IT Support for CreativesMacs have been the tool of choice for designers ever since they arrived on the scene in the mid-1980s. Tradition and technology, performance and style, plus the ability to seamlessly integrate with other Apple devices such as iPad and iPhone make them the ‘go to’ piece of hardware for most creatives.

Ideal for smaller businesses, this option still gives you access to our team of certified engineers with a budget to suit your needs.

Our Pay As You Go service delivers expert online support, one of our engineers will contact you within just an hour of your first call and we have a 98% success rate of fixing problems remotely. If we need to visit your premises, one of our highly-qualified engineers can be with you in as little as two hours.

Alternatively, our standard service will have an engineer at your door within just four hours or, if you don’t have any demanding deadlines and have a little time on your hands, our six or eight hour call-out options offers the most cost-effective approach.

To help keep you up-and-running at all times, our Pay As You Go options also include unlimited access to our telephone helpline and a yearly SupportPlan review to help identify any potential issues.

Our engineers and experts have all the latest information at their fingertips and our extensive range of IT solutions is aimed at helping businesses like you to proactively plan for the future.

So if you need advice on anything from Hardware and Software Procurement to Server Management and Internet Connectivity, speak to our team.

And, because you only pay for the services you use – the IT budget is entirely in your hands.

Other features of our managed IT support service

Unlimited helpdesk

Email management

Proactive site visits

Network management

Device management

Server management

Managed backup

Strategy planning

Have questions? Need answers?

If you have any IT related issues, we have the solution for you. Whether you need long-term Mac and PC support or an urgent fix, don’t hesitate and get in touch.